Monday, August 23, 2010

One Month to 36 (Day 19)

This was meant to officially be published on Saturday...which is exactly 30 days until my 36th birthday. WOW...I need to read that again..I am going to be 36  years old. To be honest, the next few years until 40 are thought to be inconsequential birthdays, each year gets you closer to the official "over the hill" birthday party...40.

Well, you know what? I am not going to allow any day that I live to be inconsequential. Every day is important, worth celebrating and living. So as my 36th birthday creeps up on me I am going to embark on a 30 day path to eternal living health. I am posting this for all the world to see.

For the next 30 days I will do the following:
1) I will drink no alcohol other than red wine save for two times (5 year anniversary celebration with my wife AND opening day for the Dallas Cowboys). I have recently read multiple studies that say 1-2 glassed of red wine per day have a huge amount of benefits for your health. Luckily, I love a good Malbec so this is good for me.

2) I will only eat 2 unhealthy meals per week - that's it.

These two actions, along with the habit changes I have written about in my earlier posts (see my first blog) will continue to keep me on the path of healthful living and the ultimate active lifestyle.

(So you know I do have a great life...I would change nothing about what got me to where I am today - but I also feel that the minute you stop trying to improve in some way then you might as will cash it in and call it a day. This is the kind of mindset that separates the very good form the great.)

Week Recap:
- Up at 7:30am (average)
- 6 Free Meals
- Exercise, 3 hours total, 6 miles total
1) Yoga (25min), Treadmill Mix (35min)
2) Circuit (15mins), Dog Walk (20), Yoga (25)
3) Stretch (15)
4) Stretch (15)
5) Run and Circuit Mix (25)

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