Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anger - Karma and What's Important (Day 5)

We all have relapses, that's part of life. The important aspect is what you do after a relapse...let me explain.

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least (aren't they all). First off I have two personalities...the business minded no nonsense but friendly Sales Director and the doting, goofy, roll on the floor with my kids Dad. Since I have a home office sometimes these tend to merge.

In the midst a conference call I had an interaction with an acquaintance. They had something "important" they needed and because of that proceeded to interact with me in a way I had asked them not to - in the middle of an "important conference call". This interrupted me just enough that I had to move one of my other meetings to accommodate their request.

How did I react? Not all that great, I let out a few not so PG-13 comments and since I was on the phone and in my office figured I was in my own world. Nope...having a 3 and 1 yr old I should know better. I then hear my 3 yr old say "why is Daddy screaming - and - why did daddy say F?"  Yes...the mother of all curse words and my 3 yr old is innocently asking my wife two rooms over why Daddy is saying a word we continually tell him not to...even though his future hero...his saying that word.

Eye opener to say the least. He understands that Daddy can drink a beer and that beers are for grown ups..but it's something about language that we cannot physically stop them from doing that throws a wrench in everything. Of course this all could have been avoided by me not saying "F"...but we're here to learn and sometimes a 3 yr old can teach you lessons more profound than anything you ever received in your years of schooling.

Why did this happen? I was interrupted, which caused me to delay what I was doing, move a meeting while being focused on a different meeting in two hours that was eventually cancelled. Even more, the person who had something so important to do...they didn't make their meeting either. Karma for both of us.

What's the lesson? ACT and don't react. I know this but to be fair - I was born with DNA that calls for fast "reaction" and the need to immediately defend myself versus the think then act approach...hence my metamorphosis from altar boy to student of all things spiritual...with a heavy leaning toward eastern philosophy and many of the Taoist, zen and Buddhist philosophical teachings.

This has helped tremendously but as with anyone I fall off the wagon from time to time...such it's's not about falling down but about getting up...we sometimes learn best from our hardest falls.

I will leave you with this: don't allow others to dictate your actions - if you do, then they own you - make your own decisions from a thoughtful mindset rather than a reactive one - it will always work out better - and maybe you won't cause a 3 yr old to say the F word.

(by the way, I am writing this at opposed to at 10pm....this is good and I hope I can have more 7 or 6 am blogs than 10pm ones going forward)
Day 4 Recap - up at 7:45am (7 hrs sleep), off internet at 8PM

meal 1- 3 eggs, strawberries, grapes, organic coffee
meal 2- sushi roll (10 pcs), cabbage salad
meal 3- turkey meatballs, ww pasta, ww toast
snacks- dark chocolate, small popcorn, 2 glasses red wine
off day for exercise...did 10 minutes of mobility exercise and the 5 Tibetan rites ( when i woke up.

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