Saturday, August 7, 2010

Interesting Travel Note and Margarita Fridays (Day 7)

People amaze me. I had a business trip to Dallas yesterday, it was an "out and back", which for you non business travelers means out in the morning - home in the afternoon/evening.

As we are about to take off a girl starts to cough. No big deal. She then starts to cough more, and you can tell she is not feeling all that well. I think to myself "that must suck - I hope she gets better". As I am thinking that an older man (notice I did not use the word gentlemen), makes a comment and then looks back at the person coughing like shes just insulted his mother. Really guy?

I was almost hooping he wold say something so I could interject on her behalf, but like all cowards he mumbled to himself so only those next to him could hear, but not the intended victim of his insult.

Here's my take on idiots like him, if you decide to get on a plane - where anyone can purchase a ticket - then guess what people are going to cough, sneeze etc. If you don't like it then drive.

This brings to to a time I did interject on someones behalf (if I see someone being "bullied" I always feel I should step in). I fly Southwest Airlines a bunch - and it amazes me how many people get angry when someone asks to sit in their row. Guess's open seating genius. If you don't like it then don't fly Southwest.

A few months back a young lady asked to sit in the row of a man by himself, he proceeds to makes a horrible face and says to her "Well, I guess so." Then looks at his friend boarding behind her and says "I tried to make it just our row."  So feeling bad for the poor young girl....I kindly remind the guy he is flying Southwest and if he doesn't like the seating policy should fly another airlines and that he can also try to charter a plane if he wants it to be just him and his friend. The guy looked at me dumbfounded.

My mom always taught me not to react to ignorance but in this case I couldn't resist.

At least it's Friday. When I got home from Dallas my wife made frozen margaritas - which is our new Friday tradition -  and I grilled pork fajitas, yummy. What a great way to start the weekend.
Day 6 Recap: Up at 7:15 AM (7 hrs sleep)

snack - coffee (pre-run)
meal 1- shake, nuts
meal 2- egg salad sandwich, baked Cheetos
meal 3- chicken breast, salad with peppers, peppercorn dressing, black beans
snack- dark chocolate, baked crisps (70 cal bag), 2 glasses red wine

Exercise: 3 miles total (40 mins)
Dog Walk/light jog - 1.8 miles in hills, 29 mins (7 min jog)
Treadmill - 1.2 mile run, 10 mins 30 sec

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