Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chiropractor Visit (Day 14)

I went to the chiropractor for the first time in 15 years yesterday, wow what a difference. I feel great and was not as achy when waking up this morning (8:30 AM). It was also apparent in my workout that there were some great benefits from the visit.

Workout was 7 rounds of the following in 13 minutes 52 seconds:
- 10 band curl press combo (red)
- 10 cross body mountain climbers (body weight)
- 10 reaching lunges (body weight)

Treadmill: 20 minutes, 2.1 miles total (run, walk)
- 5 minute warm up cool down for .3 miles
- 15 minute run for 1.8 miles (8.20 per mile)

Friday recap - up at 8AM, Free Meal #5

I walked the dog for 27 minutes, light jog mixed in as well, 2 miles total.

Workout was 5 rounds of:
- 20 Hindu Squats, 20 Pushups and 20 KB Row with 35lbs (10 each side)
- 300 total reps in just under 15 minutes workout time

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