Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing Profound (Day 3)

Long, fulfilling day. Worked on closing deals, took car to the shop, correctly used a molly plug (w/o a drill), came to realization that I have the best job in the world (these don't last forever- but I will keep chasing the dream).

Days Recap - Up at 7:20 (6 hrs sleep)

meal 1- 2 eggs,ham, ww waffles, sf syrup, org coffee
meal 2- shake, pecans (post workout)
Meal 3- two ww tortillas w/tilapia, blk bns, veggies - organic blue corn chips with avocado
snacks - nuts (preworkout), dark chocolate-popcorn-diet drink (night)

Exercise 1 hr
Treadmill: 25 mins, 2.3 miles
- 20 min intervals (14 run)
- 5 min jog cooldown @ 3.0 inclline
Circuit: 3 rounds in 25 mins
- perfect pushup 2 min drills (military, wide, close)
20.12.8 / 20.12.4 / 20.12.1 (109)
- KB Swings Overhead w/35lbs
20.20.20 (60)
- Face Pulls w/Red Band
20.20.20 (60)
Warm Up/Cool Down: 10 mins

Sign off internet: 9:57PM

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