Monday, August 2, 2010

Eternal Evolution & becoming a handy man (Day 2)

"Fuhen Kaiku" - is Japanese for Eternal Evolution. If I had one phrase to describe what I feel our time on earth is - Eternal Evolution describes it best.

When we stop evolving, learning, listening, teaching, wanting to do something more - then we are done. I am not talking about acquiring things...I am talking about experiencing them.

I have never been a handy man, work with your hands type of guy. Put me in in front of 500 people to do a presentation, send me in to meet the CEO to close the deal..that is my element. Give me a hammer, hand me a yard trimmer, tell me to install something with wires - I run like a little girl from the boogie man. That's how I am wired, hell it takes me twice as long to get ready as my wife.

Since I have been married and had my children I have slowly been chipping away at this missing piece of DNA. My first big victory was hanging new curtains for my wife. Then, learning how to use the edger and now becoming very good at manicuring the yard (not to be confused with manscaping - which as a metro male I have had in my arsenal for some time). My wife does mow the lawn (she fights me for the mower) - but I do the trimming - and a pretty good job.

Today was my biggest test...I went to the garage and the control panel for our sprinkler system was blank, dead kaput. I immediately call the prior owner of the house who directed me to change the battery or the fuse - which I did and no dice. Uh oh. Now, it is August and where I live it is 100 degrees this week, not a good time for the sprinkler controller to die.

I realize after calling sprinkler tech support (yes you read that right) that I need a new system. Great - I am not good at this installation stuff. Well, I head to Lowes and find a brand half the price of the one I have at the house - the gentlemen tells me it's a good brand and easy to install (yea - you don't know ME buddy). So I call my wife tell her my night is taken up - as I will be installing this from right after the kids to to bed (8PM) until midnight.

Well...8pm comes...I open the package - read the instructions and decide to jump right in - no turning back. Well...20 minutes later..yes 20 minutes later I am done. Product installed...and now the big test...did I do it right? Well lo and behold...I did. Watered each station for 3 minutes just to make Now many of you may be laughing but anyone who knows me will be pretty proud of me...and you know what - I am pretty proud of myself.

Next step..installing my own home theatre system....uuhhh...yea that's never happening.
Day 2 Recap - Up at 8am (6.5 hours sleep)

Nutrition: 80%
premeal- Coffee
meal 1- shake (same as yesterday)
meal 2- same as yesterday but with sweet potato fries for side
meal 3- turkey bratwurst, white rice, spinach
meal 4- FREE MEAL #1(chips, sandwich, cookie)
snacks - dark chocolate, 3 glasses Malbec (celebrating self install of sprinkler system...sometimes the small things can make your entire day)

1) Dog Walk 30 mins (with 3 mins form jogging)
2) Core Work - 40 seconds of each
plank, bird dog, side plank, hip bridge
3) Shoulder mobility 10 reps each
prone plank, IYWT

Sign off internet 11:15PM

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