Sunday, August 1, 2010

And it begins (Day One)

I am starting this blog to simplify - yes I know creating an online journal will somehow give me less to focus on and somehow makes things easier...I know. I am a paradox, but aren't we all. I have decided to try this as many bloggers have had a tremendous influence on me and have given me things to think about and more importantly ACT ON as I try to fulfill my quest to live each day to the fullest.

This blog will not last may not even last more than one month, hence the August Experiment. I am doing this to help get everything in one place as I track my thoughts and who knows...maybe I will have an influence on someone..even myself

Now before I go into what I am trying to accomplish I will say I do consider myself successful: personally and financially - but life is about being great...and I feel I have been good...sometimes really good..but have decided at 35 that on this one time ride I have been given on the gift of life I want to be GREAT.

First step - getting my biggest personal roadblocks in order.
1) Eating too much or mindless eating
Reading that you may think..uh oh another guy trying to lose weight and letting everyone know. Not really, in fact I am 189 lbs with a 34.5 inch waist(as of this morning). I would like to get in the utmost functionally fit shape but this is more about lifestyle and habit changing than trying to "lose 20 pounds" - which I have no intention of doing (now a 33 inch waist would be a great side effect of my new habits..but I digress).

Getting my nutrition in order would would help me achieve a few goals: 50 strict push ups with perfect push up (30 max now), 15 strict pull ups (9 now) and banging out a sub 7 minute mile..all in the same week.

Experiment Goal: Eat healthful meals 85% of the time (giving me 4 times per week to eat whatever the hell I want). This isn't low carb, paleo, Mediterranean, or any plan I am following just eating good stuff will count. Nothing in the fitness industry today causes a bigger stir than people and their opinions on nutrition...I am not here to get into that. I am focusing on whole foods (meats, fruits, veggies) whole grains (bread, pasta), legumes, fats (avocado, walnut-olive-oils, real cheese, butter, etc. Things with fewer ingredients (mostly)...end of story. That's my personal definition of good stuff.

2) Going to bed too late...which goes against my goal of becoming an early riser (6am). Whatever the case I want to consistently get up in the 6's. To be fair to myself - I am one of those that will be up until 2 AM working on stuff (presentations, emails, reading a book) - so it hasn't hampered me but with two small kids I want to get in some time BEFORE they are awake to get a few of these things done. Heck maybe I get my dog walk and workout in at that time. More importantly this will get me on the path of going to bed at the same time as my beautiful wife - no explanation needed.

3) Wasting time.....ON THE INTERNET. Yup...speaking of paradox...this is it..what I mean is when I am done with everything I have a habit of surfing the net for hours looking for a new fitness/business/financial/ blog or article when I have read something on the topic just minutes before or even the same article again to "clarify".

So here are the habit changes I am looking to complete by the end of the August Experiment:
1) 85% healthful nutrition
2) Up by 6:30 am on weekdays
3) No mindless Internet surfing after 11PM (work emails or presentations on the road do not count - if it is not work related the no Internet - I do work for a fast growing start up so this a job hazard).

On the simplify note - I am also going to experiment (there goes that word again) with simplifying my workout program as I am one of those that starts one program one week and then buys an ebook with a different program the for this month I am going to stick to the following:
* 3 x 30 minute workouts per week focusing on push ups/pull ups/high rep legs/plyometrics/kettlebell and core work..simple basic functional curls or pressdowns
* 2-3 x Treadmill interval or "recovery" runs/walks (bad knees so running on pavement is out for now). Can be done before or after workout - or on non workout day. Just get it in.
* This equates to 3 hrs of hard exercise per week - less than 2% of the time in a week. So I am going to show that nutrition is the key.
* I will also throw in stretching (daily), meditation, yoga and mountain biking when possible but this is more for recreation.
* Not to many dog walks and running around with my two kids as humanly possible.
* And yard work

All the workouts mentioned will be done at home or in a park or outside my house as I cancelled my gym membership earlier this year...and have never felt more free and fit (we do have a treadmill at the house so this helps).

Day One Recap - Up at 8:30AM (it's a Sunday)

Nutrition: 100%
Pre workout Coffee (Organic from Nicaragua)
meal 1- shake w/almond mile, whey, banana, frozen strawberries & mango, lots of ice
meal 2- bean burger on ww toast, cheese, guac, organic blue corn chips
meal 3- ww pasta, marinara, shake n bake chicken, ww toast (1)
Snacks - 2 glasses red wine, pc dark chocolate

Dog Walk - 40 mins, 2.5 miles
Circuit - 3 sets, 30 minutes (warm up and cool down)
perfect push up 2 min drill (max, wide, close) 30, 20-12-2, 20-12-2 (98)
chins (wide, reverse, close) 9, 6-3, 5-2 (25)
Air Squat 25, 25, 25 (75)

Sign off Internet, 11PM.

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