Monday, August 9, 2010

Change in protocol and week 1 Recap (Day 8)

If you read the first ever post in this blog you will find that I started this to simplify. I have learned or been reminded of a lot over this past week.

In no particular order here is what I have learned or "re" learned: What you do speaks so loud that no one can hear what you say, treating people with kindness, respect and honesty always wins, you should never let others define you and hold you back from going after what you want, sometimes a week can seem like a day, sometimes a week can seem like a year, I am sometimes more inspired by those who could not "complete" a task yet gave everything they had trying.

Going forward I will not chart every single meal, instead I will only track my "free meals". Since I have defined what I refer to as healthy in my first post - it will help the simplification process to just enter "free meal # 1, 2, 3, 4." Who knows, maybe I will take it to the next level and go to 3 free meals..even 2?

This weekend I did a 10 minute circuit workout on Saturday, it's all I had time for as we had a very busy family day. The workout went like this:2 total circuits of 5 exercises for 1 minute each, no rest except for 1 minute between circuits 1 and 2. Total workout time 11 minutes.

Exercise were: Jumping Jacks (77-71), Tman Push Ups (16-12), Reverse Grip Chin Ups (10-12), Jumping Squats (20-18) and Swiss Ball Jackknife (20-16). I was sweating as if I'd run for 3- 4 miles...good stuff.

Week 1 Recap
4 Free meals (on track)

- 4 total sessions, 2 run/walk only - 2 crosstrain (run and strength training)
- 235 push ups, 47 pull ups, 10 miles

- Up at 7:45 average for week
- 6 hrs 15 mins average sleep per night
- Off internet at 11pm every week day except one, good start

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