Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hard Work and Perspective (Day 10)

Very enlightening experience today. As stated I am a sales director for a fast growing technology company, things are always changing, every deal you work on has an impact on the company. When my team loses a deal the whole company feels it.

So I am involved in a few difficult opportunities that keep going back and forth. I am in my home office and my blackberry is blowing up with phone calls, emails etc. Non stop. I start getting a bit tense and overwhelmed by the day...then the doorbell rings.

It is the crew I have hired to landscape my house. They did a great job last week and were extremely fair on the price (I mean my jaw dropped at the low cost) so I brought them back to so some more work. Now this isn't lawn care type stuff, we do that - this is more removing some bushes, adding mulch, etc. They get to work and about an hour and a half later are almost done. I look outside and the two main workers are sweating profusely (it is 100 degrees where I live) and I notice they have no water.

I quickly head to my kitchen and pull out a few bottled waters and take them outside to the guys. It took them no more than 5 seconds to finish the water. What is so amazing is that these guys had been outside, working hard in the heat and were prepared to do this with no water, and the whole time had a smile on their face. Amazing. Here I am in my air conditioned home office, high back leather chair, talking to people with my coffee and ice water on either side of me and I am tense?

Wow...the lessons keep coming every day...all forms..and I am grateful. Perspective.

Up at 8AM (6.5)

Tuesday's Exercise 1HR
- Vwalk, light jog: 24 mins, 1.8 miles
- Circuit: 24 mins, 8 exercises - 2 sets - supersets - full body
- Warm Up/Cool Down: 12 mins
Sunday/Monday Recap

Sunday: Up 8AM (6), Free Meals 1&2

Monday: Up 7:45AM (5), Free Meal 3 (front loading bad meals this week)

Monday Exercise 42 mins (3.5 miles)
- Vwalk/Jog, 27 mins, 1.8 miles
- Treadmill, 15 mins, 1.7 miles

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