Monday, August 16, 2010

Alcohol and Bad Decisions (Day 16)

What is it about drinking a bit too much that leads you in wrong direction? False courage, impaired judgement, lack of clarity...all of the above?

Either way, when the weekends come I tend to get a little loose on how many beverages I have; this tends to lead to bad decisions when it comes to the next days exercise and nutrition. I go from having a few drinks and a "Free Meal" on Friday to being a bit hungover and needing bad, greasy food to make me feel better. I then repeat the cycle on Sunday. I go from midweek feeling great and strolling around at 182-184 to pushing 190 and not feeling good about myself.

Now it's just not the weight of 190 not making me feel good but how my body feels. There is a reason that when I've had a healthy eating day I tend to feel sharper, more energized and ready to take on the world. I guess there is something more to eating healthy than being's about feeling fit. When you feel fit, it's like a natural high that you can take on the world. I am not talking about magazine cover model type people...they are uber fit..I mean fit in that that you can run, jump, push, pull and have your body feel great. I used to be into squatting heavy weights, now it's about squatting to squat (no weights) and get back up 20-30 times as fast as I can with good form...movement - not putting plates on a bar.

This blog is about changing I will put in writing some habits that I will STOP:
1) Getting Drunk - a few drinks are fine, but overdoing it can ruin the next 2 days and mess up a weeks worth of healthy living. Friday's and Saturday's used to be about drinking to let off some steam, now they will be about taking advantage of every weekend with my growing family. (Side bar...I am a huge family man & spend almost all of my free time with my wife and children...but sometimes I don't feel 100% on weekends).

2) Eating after 10PM

3) Waking after 7AM (weekdays)

4) Raising my voice sometimes when trying to get my point across (Be Calm, Cool and Collected when speaking)

Week 2 recap:

Wake at 7:50 (6 hrs and some change sleep per night)
7 Free Meals (3 too many, hence the post today)
5 total workouts, 3 hrs total
- 2 crosstrain, 2 run, 1 solo timed workout
- 10 total miles

Even with the bad meals I lost a pound....imagine if I had had a little less to drink and stuck to my nutrition goals...


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