Monday, August 23, 2010

One Month to 36 (Day 19)

This was meant to officially be published on Saturday...which is exactly 30 days until my 36th birthday. WOW...I need to read that again..I am going to be 36  years old. To be honest, the next few years until 40 are thought to be inconsequential birthdays, each year gets you closer to the official "over the hill" birthday party...40.

Well, you know what? I am not going to allow any day that I live to be inconsequential. Every day is important, worth celebrating and living. So as my 36th birthday creeps up on me I am going to embark on a 30 day path to eternal living health. I am posting this for all the world to see.

For the next 30 days I will do the following:
1) I will drink no alcohol other than red wine save for two times (5 year anniversary celebration with my wife AND opening day for the Dallas Cowboys). I have recently read multiple studies that say 1-2 glassed of red wine per day have a huge amount of benefits for your health. Luckily, I love a good Malbec so this is good for me.

2) I will only eat 2 unhealthy meals per week - that's it.

These two actions, along with the habit changes I have written about in my earlier posts (see my first blog) will continue to keep me on the path of healthful living and the ultimate active lifestyle.

(So you know I do have a great life...I would change nothing about what got me to where I am today - but I also feel that the minute you stop trying to improve in some way then you might as will cash it in and call it a day. This is the kind of mindset that separates the very good form the great.)

Week Recap:
- Up at 7:30am (average)
- 6 Free Meals
- Exercise, 3 hours total, 6 miles total
1) Yoga (25min), Treadmill Mix (35min)
2) Circuit (15mins), Dog Walk (20), Yoga (25)
3) Stretch (15)
4) Stretch (15)
5) Run and Circuit Mix (25)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Alcohol and Bad Decisions (Day 16)

What is it about drinking a bit too much that leads you in wrong direction? False courage, impaired judgement, lack of clarity...all of the above?

Either way, when the weekends come I tend to get a little loose on how many beverages I have; this tends to lead to bad decisions when it comes to the next days exercise and nutrition. I go from having a few drinks and a "Free Meal" on Friday to being a bit hungover and needing bad, greasy food to make me feel better. I then repeat the cycle on Sunday. I go from midweek feeling great and strolling around at 182-184 to pushing 190 and not feeling good about myself.

Now it's just not the weight of 190 not making me feel good but how my body feels. There is a reason that when I've had a healthy eating day I tend to feel sharper, more energized and ready to take on the world. I guess there is something more to eating healthy than being's about feeling fit. When you feel fit, it's like a natural high that you can take on the world. I am not talking about magazine cover model type people...they are uber fit..I mean fit in that that you can run, jump, push, pull and have your body feel great. I used to be into squatting heavy weights, now it's about squatting to squat (no weights) and get back up 20-30 times as fast as I can with good form...movement - not putting plates on a bar.

This blog is about changing I will put in writing some habits that I will STOP:
1) Getting Drunk - a few drinks are fine, but overdoing it can ruin the next 2 days and mess up a weeks worth of healthy living. Friday's and Saturday's used to be about drinking to let off some steam, now they will be about taking advantage of every weekend with my growing family. (Side bar...I am a huge family man & spend almost all of my free time with my wife and children...but sometimes I don't feel 100% on weekends).

2) Eating after 10PM

3) Waking after 7AM (weekdays)

4) Raising my voice sometimes when trying to get my point across (Be Calm, Cool and Collected when speaking)

Week 2 recap:

Wake at 7:50 (6 hrs and some change sleep per night)
7 Free Meals (3 too many, hence the post today)
5 total workouts, 3 hrs total
- 2 crosstrain, 2 run, 1 solo timed workout
- 10 total miles

Even with the bad meals I lost a pound....imagine if I had had a little less to drink and stuck to my nutrition goals...


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chiropractor Visit (Day 14)

I went to the chiropractor for the first time in 15 years yesterday, wow what a difference. I feel great and was not as achy when waking up this morning (8:30 AM). It was also apparent in my workout that there were some great benefits from the visit.

Workout was 7 rounds of the following in 13 minutes 52 seconds:
- 10 band curl press combo (red)
- 10 cross body mountain climbers (body weight)
- 10 reaching lunges (body weight)

Treadmill: 20 minutes, 2.1 miles total (run, walk)
- 5 minute warm up cool down for .3 miles
- 15 minute run for 1.8 miles (8.20 per mile)

Friday recap - up at 8AM, Free Meal #5

I walked the dog for 27 minutes, light jog mixed in as well, 2 miles total.

Workout was 5 rounds of:
- 20 Hindu Squats, 20 Pushups and 20 KB Row with 35lbs (10 each side)
- 300 total reps in just under 15 minutes workout time

Thursday, August 12, 2010

(Day 12)

Very busy work week, in plane, car, meetings nonstop. This is a good thing.

Thursday Recap: Up at 7:30 am (6 hrs sleep)

Exercise 1:  AM (pre-work day). 15 minutes 5 rites, stability ball circuit (20 jacknife pushups included)

Exercise 2: PM, Treadmill 36 minutes, 3.4 miles
- Mix of walk, run, sprint hills
- 65% running

Wednesday Recap - Up at 7:30 (6hrs sleep)

- Free Meal #4 (homemade cupcakes)

- 10 minutes stretching and mobility work

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hard Work and Perspective (Day 10)

Very enlightening experience today. As stated I am a sales director for a fast growing technology company, things are always changing, every deal you work on has an impact on the company. When my team loses a deal the whole company feels it.

So I am involved in a few difficult opportunities that keep going back and forth. I am in my home office and my blackberry is blowing up with phone calls, emails etc. Non stop. I start getting a bit tense and overwhelmed by the day...then the doorbell rings.

It is the crew I have hired to landscape my house. They did a great job last week and were extremely fair on the price (I mean my jaw dropped at the low cost) so I brought them back to so some more work. Now this isn't lawn care type stuff, we do that - this is more removing some bushes, adding mulch, etc. They get to work and about an hour and a half later are almost done. I look outside and the two main workers are sweating profusely (it is 100 degrees where I live) and I notice they have no water.

I quickly head to my kitchen and pull out a few bottled waters and take them outside to the guys. It took them no more than 5 seconds to finish the water. What is so amazing is that these guys had been outside, working hard in the heat and were prepared to do this with no water, and the whole time had a smile on their face. Amazing. Here I am in my air conditioned home office, high back leather chair, talking to people with my coffee and ice water on either side of me and I am tense?

Wow...the lessons keep coming every day...all forms..and I am grateful. Perspective.

Up at 8AM (6.5)

Tuesday's Exercise 1HR
- Vwalk, light jog: 24 mins, 1.8 miles
- Circuit: 24 mins, 8 exercises - 2 sets - supersets - full body
- Warm Up/Cool Down: 12 mins
Sunday/Monday Recap

Sunday: Up 8AM (6), Free Meals 1&2

Monday: Up 7:45AM (5), Free Meal 3 (front loading bad meals this week)

Monday Exercise 42 mins (3.5 miles)
- Vwalk/Jog, 27 mins, 1.8 miles
- Treadmill, 15 mins, 1.7 miles

Monday, August 9, 2010

Change in protocol and week 1 Recap (Day 8)

If you read the first ever post in this blog you will find that I started this to simplify. I have learned or been reminded of a lot over this past week.

In no particular order here is what I have learned or "re" learned: What you do speaks so loud that no one can hear what you say, treating people with kindness, respect and honesty always wins, you should never let others define you and hold you back from going after what you want, sometimes a week can seem like a day, sometimes a week can seem like a year, I am sometimes more inspired by those who could not "complete" a task yet gave everything they had trying.

Going forward I will not chart every single meal, instead I will only track my "free meals". Since I have defined what I refer to as healthy in my first post - it will help the simplification process to just enter "free meal # 1, 2, 3, 4." Who knows, maybe I will take it to the next level and go to 3 free meals..even 2?

This weekend I did a 10 minute circuit workout on Saturday, it's all I had time for as we had a very busy family day. The workout went like this:2 total circuits of 5 exercises for 1 minute each, no rest except for 1 minute between circuits 1 and 2. Total workout time 11 minutes.

Exercise were: Jumping Jacks (77-71), Tman Push Ups (16-12), Reverse Grip Chin Ups (10-12), Jumping Squats (20-18) and Swiss Ball Jackknife (20-16). I was sweating as if I'd run for 3- 4 miles...good stuff.

Week 1 Recap
4 Free meals (on track)

- 4 total sessions, 2 run/walk only - 2 crosstrain (run and strength training)
- 235 push ups, 47 pull ups, 10 miles

- Up at 7:45 average for week
- 6 hrs 15 mins average sleep per night
- Off internet at 11pm every week day except one, good start

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Interesting Travel Note and Margarita Fridays (Day 7)

People amaze me. I had a business trip to Dallas yesterday, it was an "out and back", which for you non business travelers means out in the morning - home in the afternoon/evening.

As we are about to take off a girl starts to cough. No big deal. She then starts to cough more, and you can tell she is not feeling all that well. I think to myself "that must suck - I hope she gets better". As I am thinking that an older man (notice I did not use the word gentlemen), makes a comment and then looks back at the person coughing like shes just insulted his mother. Really guy?

I was almost hooping he wold say something so I could interject on her behalf, but like all cowards he mumbled to himself so only those next to him could hear, but not the intended victim of his insult.

Here's my take on idiots like him, if you decide to get on a plane - where anyone can purchase a ticket - then guess what people are going to cough, sneeze etc. If you don't like it then drive.

This brings to to a time I did interject on someones behalf (if I see someone being "bullied" I always feel I should step in). I fly Southwest Airlines a bunch - and it amazes me how many people get angry when someone asks to sit in their row. Guess's open seating genius. If you don't like it then don't fly Southwest.

A few months back a young lady asked to sit in the row of a man by himself, he proceeds to makes a horrible face and says to her "Well, I guess so." Then looks at his friend boarding behind her and says "I tried to make it just our row."  So feeling bad for the poor young girl....I kindly remind the guy he is flying Southwest and if he doesn't like the seating policy should fly another airlines and that he can also try to charter a plane if he wants it to be just him and his friend. The guy looked at me dumbfounded.

My mom always taught me not to react to ignorance but in this case I couldn't resist.

At least it's Friday. When I got home from Dallas my wife made frozen margaritas - which is our new Friday tradition -  and I grilled pork fajitas, yummy. What a great way to start the weekend.
Day 6 Recap: Up at 7:15 AM (7 hrs sleep)

snack - coffee (pre-run)
meal 1- shake, nuts
meal 2- egg salad sandwich, baked Cheetos
meal 3- chicken breast, salad with peppers, peppercorn dressing, black beans
snack- dark chocolate, baked crisps (70 cal bag), 2 glasses red wine

Exercise: 3 miles total (40 mins)
Dog Walk/light jog - 1.8 miles in hills, 29 mins (7 min jog)
Treadmill - 1.2 mile run, 10 mins 30 sec

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anger - Karma and What's Important (Day 5)

We all have relapses, that's part of life. The important aspect is what you do after a relapse...let me explain.

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least (aren't they all). First off I have two personalities...the business minded no nonsense but friendly Sales Director and the doting, goofy, roll on the floor with my kids Dad. Since I have a home office sometimes these tend to merge.

In the midst a conference call I had an interaction with an acquaintance. They had something "important" they needed and because of that proceeded to interact with me in a way I had asked them not to - in the middle of an "important conference call". This interrupted me just enough that I had to move one of my other meetings to accommodate their request.

How did I react? Not all that great, I let out a few not so PG-13 comments and since I was on the phone and in my office figured I was in my own world. Nope...having a 3 and 1 yr old I should know better. I then hear my 3 yr old say "why is Daddy screaming - and - why did daddy say F?"  Yes...the mother of all curse words and my 3 yr old is innocently asking my wife two rooms over why Daddy is saying a word we continually tell him not to...even though his future hero...his saying that word.

Eye opener to say the least. He understands that Daddy can drink a beer and that beers are for grown ups..but it's something about language that we cannot physically stop them from doing that throws a wrench in everything. Of course this all could have been avoided by me not saying "F"...but we're here to learn and sometimes a 3 yr old can teach you lessons more profound than anything you ever received in your years of schooling.

Why did this happen? I was interrupted, which caused me to delay what I was doing, move a meeting while being focused on a different meeting in two hours that was eventually cancelled. Even more, the person who had something so important to do...they didn't make their meeting either. Karma for both of us.

What's the lesson? ACT and don't react. I know this but to be fair - I was born with DNA that calls for fast "reaction" and the need to immediately defend myself versus the think then act approach...hence my metamorphosis from altar boy to student of all things spiritual...with a heavy leaning toward eastern philosophy and many of the Taoist, zen and Buddhist philosophical teachings.

This has helped tremendously but as with anyone I fall off the wagon from time to time...such it's's not about falling down but about getting up...we sometimes learn best from our hardest falls.

I will leave you with this: don't allow others to dictate your actions - if you do, then they own you - make your own decisions from a thoughtful mindset rather than a reactive one - it will always work out better - and maybe you won't cause a 3 yr old to say the F word.

(by the way, I am writing this at opposed to at 10pm....this is good and I hope I can have more 7 or 6 am blogs than 10pm ones going forward)
Day 4 Recap - up at 7:45am (7 hrs sleep), off internet at 8PM

meal 1- 3 eggs, strawberries, grapes, organic coffee
meal 2- sushi roll (10 pcs), cabbage salad
meal 3- turkey meatballs, ww pasta, ww toast
snacks- dark chocolate, small popcorn, 2 glasses red wine
off day for exercise...did 10 minutes of mobility exercise and the 5 Tibetan rites ( when i woke up.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing Profound (Day 3)

Long, fulfilling day. Worked on closing deals, took car to the shop, correctly used a molly plug (w/o a drill), came to realization that I have the best job in the world (these don't last forever- but I will keep chasing the dream).

Days Recap - Up at 7:20 (6 hrs sleep)

meal 1- 2 eggs,ham, ww waffles, sf syrup, org coffee
meal 2- shake, pecans (post workout)
Meal 3- two ww tortillas w/tilapia, blk bns, veggies - organic blue corn chips with avocado
snacks - nuts (preworkout), dark chocolate-popcorn-diet drink (night)

Exercise 1 hr
Treadmill: 25 mins, 2.3 miles
- 20 min intervals (14 run)
- 5 min jog cooldown @ 3.0 inclline
Circuit: 3 rounds in 25 mins
- perfect pushup 2 min drills (military, wide, close)
20.12.8 / 20.12.4 / 20.12.1 (109)
- KB Swings Overhead w/35lbs
20.20.20 (60)
- Face Pulls w/Red Band
20.20.20 (60)
Warm Up/Cool Down: 10 mins

Sign off internet: 9:57PM

Monday, August 2, 2010

Eternal Evolution & becoming a handy man (Day 2)

"Fuhen Kaiku" - is Japanese for Eternal Evolution. If I had one phrase to describe what I feel our time on earth is - Eternal Evolution describes it best.

When we stop evolving, learning, listening, teaching, wanting to do something more - then we are done. I am not talking about acquiring things...I am talking about experiencing them.

I have never been a handy man, work with your hands type of guy. Put me in in front of 500 people to do a presentation, send me in to meet the CEO to close the deal..that is my element. Give me a hammer, hand me a yard trimmer, tell me to install something with wires - I run like a little girl from the boogie man. That's how I am wired, hell it takes me twice as long to get ready as my wife.

Since I have been married and had my children I have slowly been chipping away at this missing piece of DNA. My first big victory was hanging new curtains for my wife. Then, learning how to use the edger and now becoming very good at manicuring the yard (not to be confused with manscaping - which as a metro male I have had in my arsenal for some time). My wife does mow the lawn (she fights me for the mower) - but I do the trimming - and a pretty good job.

Today was my biggest test...I went to the garage and the control panel for our sprinkler system was blank, dead kaput. I immediately call the prior owner of the house who directed me to change the battery or the fuse - which I did and no dice. Uh oh. Now, it is August and where I live it is 100 degrees this week, not a good time for the sprinkler controller to die.

I realize after calling sprinkler tech support (yes you read that right) that I need a new system. Great - I am not good at this installation stuff. Well, I head to Lowes and find a brand half the price of the one I have at the house - the gentlemen tells me it's a good brand and easy to install (yea - you don't know ME buddy). So I call my wife tell her my night is taken up - as I will be installing this from right after the kids to to bed (8PM) until midnight.

Well...8pm comes...I open the package - read the instructions and decide to jump right in - no turning back. Well...20 minutes later..yes 20 minutes later I am done. Product installed...and now the big test...did I do it right? Well lo and behold...I did. Watered each station for 3 minutes just to make Now many of you may be laughing but anyone who knows me will be pretty proud of me...and you know what - I am pretty proud of myself.

Next step..installing my own home theatre system....uuhhh...yea that's never happening.
Day 2 Recap - Up at 8am (6.5 hours sleep)

Nutrition: 80%
premeal- Coffee
meal 1- shake (same as yesterday)
meal 2- same as yesterday but with sweet potato fries for side
meal 3- turkey bratwurst, white rice, spinach
meal 4- FREE MEAL #1(chips, sandwich, cookie)
snacks - dark chocolate, 3 glasses Malbec (celebrating self install of sprinkler system...sometimes the small things can make your entire day)

1) Dog Walk 30 mins (with 3 mins form jogging)
2) Core Work - 40 seconds of each
plank, bird dog, side plank, hip bridge
3) Shoulder mobility 10 reps each
prone plank, IYWT

Sign off internet 11:15PM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

And it begins (Day One)

I am starting this blog to simplify - yes I know creating an online journal will somehow give me less to focus on and somehow makes things easier...I know. I am a paradox, but aren't we all. I have decided to try this as many bloggers have had a tremendous influence on me and have given me things to think about and more importantly ACT ON as I try to fulfill my quest to live each day to the fullest.

This blog will not last may not even last more than one month, hence the August Experiment. I am doing this to help get everything in one place as I track my thoughts and who knows...maybe I will have an influence on someone..even myself

Now before I go into what I am trying to accomplish I will say I do consider myself successful: personally and financially - but life is about being great...and I feel I have been good...sometimes really good..but have decided at 35 that on this one time ride I have been given on the gift of life I want to be GREAT.

First step - getting my biggest personal roadblocks in order.
1) Eating too much or mindless eating
Reading that you may think..uh oh another guy trying to lose weight and letting everyone know. Not really, in fact I am 189 lbs with a 34.5 inch waist(as of this morning). I would like to get in the utmost functionally fit shape but this is more about lifestyle and habit changing than trying to "lose 20 pounds" - which I have no intention of doing (now a 33 inch waist would be a great side effect of my new habits..but I digress).

Getting my nutrition in order would would help me achieve a few goals: 50 strict push ups with perfect push up (30 max now), 15 strict pull ups (9 now) and banging out a sub 7 minute mile..all in the same week.

Experiment Goal: Eat healthful meals 85% of the time (giving me 4 times per week to eat whatever the hell I want). This isn't low carb, paleo, Mediterranean, or any plan I am following just eating good stuff will count. Nothing in the fitness industry today causes a bigger stir than people and their opinions on nutrition...I am not here to get into that. I am focusing on whole foods (meats, fruits, veggies) whole grains (bread, pasta), legumes, fats (avocado, walnut-olive-oils, real cheese, butter, etc. Things with fewer ingredients (mostly)...end of story. That's my personal definition of good stuff.

2) Going to bed too late...which goes against my goal of becoming an early riser (6am). Whatever the case I want to consistently get up in the 6's. To be fair to myself - I am one of those that will be up until 2 AM working on stuff (presentations, emails, reading a book) - so it hasn't hampered me but with two small kids I want to get in some time BEFORE they are awake to get a few of these things done. Heck maybe I get my dog walk and workout in at that time. More importantly this will get me on the path of going to bed at the same time as my beautiful wife - no explanation needed.

3) Wasting time.....ON THE INTERNET. Yup...speaking of paradox...this is it..what I mean is when I am done with everything I have a habit of surfing the net for hours looking for a new fitness/business/financial/ blog or article when I have read something on the topic just minutes before or even the same article again to "clarify".

So here are the habit changes I am looking to complete by the end of the August Experiment:
1) 85% healthful nutrition
2) Up by 6:30 am on weekdays
3) No mindless Internet surfing after 11PM (work emails or presentations on the road do not count - if it is not work related the no Internet - I do work for a fast growing start up so this a job hazard).

On the simplify note - I am also going to experiment (there goes that word again) with simplifying my workout program as I am one of those that starts one program one week and then buys an ebook with a different program the for this month I am going to stick to the following:
* 3 x 30 minute workouts per week focusing on push ups/pull ups/high rep legs/plyometrics/kettlebell and core work..simple basic functional curls or pressdowns
* 2-3 x Treadmill interval or "recovery" runs/walks (bad knees so running on pavement is out for now). Can be done before or after workout - or on non workout day. Just get it in.
* This equates to 3 hrs of hard exercise per week - less than 2% of the time in a week. So I am going to show that nutrition is the key.
* I will also throw in stretching (daily), meditation, yoga and mountain biking when possible but this is more for recreation.
* Not to many dog walks and running around with my two kids as humanly possible.
* And yard work

All the workouts mentioned will be done at home or in a park or outside my house as I cancelled my gym membership earlier this year...and have never felt more free and fit (we do have a treadmill at the house so this helps).

Day One Recap - Up at 8:30AM (it's a Sunday)

Nutrition: 100%
Pre workout Coffee (Organic from Nicaragua)
meal 1- shake w/almond mile, whey, banana, frozen strawberries & mango, lots of ice
meal 2- bean burger on ww toast, cheese, guac, organic blue corn chips
meal 3- ww pasta, marinara, shake n bake chicken, ww toast (1)
Snacks - 2 glasses red wine, pc dark chocolate

Dog Walk - 40 mins, 2.5 miles
Circuit - 3 sets, 30 minutes (warm up and cool down)
perfect push up 2 min drill (max, wide, close) 30, 20-12-2, 20-12-2 (98)
chins (wide, reverse, close) 9, 6-3, 5-2 (25)
Air Squat 25, 25, 25 (75)

Sign off Internet, 11PM.